remains of the day, d. ellis phelps

photo courtesy of Barry Weatherall via

remains of the day

d. ellis phelps

Seven thousand Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are dying every day.
—The Baptist Standard, May 21, 2024

when the show is over
and the curtain is down

there is a long round of applause
and then nothing

the ushers sweep up
the remains of the day

the crew disassembles the set
relegates this and that

to the prop room costumes
—cleaned and hung

characters: left uninhabited
—wander the wings

running lines

waiting for the next troupe to arrive

hoping someone will recall
the stunning performance

maybe that young woman on the third row
left-center: she will remember

later she’ll say:

once i saw a play
it changed me

(c) d. ellis phelps

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