A New Era of Good in Just One Hour

Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash

If you are like me, you are wondering and wanting. Wanting to “do something” for Good. For the good of humanity. Something that matters. Something sustainable and immediate. Something that will move the hearts of human beings and feed our aching souls. Maybe you think contributing to a certain political campaign will help. Maybe you think giving to organizations that are working for climate or social justice will help. Maybe you think ranting on social media or marching will help.

I think some of those things help. But here…Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), a Lebanese mystic and poet, tells us what one hour spent in the “pursuit of Beauty/And Love” is worth.

What if the poet’s musings are true? Could it be this simple? Bearing in mind that the poet’s capitalization of both Beauty and Love indicates the quality of The Divine, could one hour spent by the collective each of us every day Light up the world and completely dispel darkness?

Tell me. What is an hour worth to you? Will you pursue Beauty and Love with me? Will it be hiking in a forest, digging your feet into the sand, staring at the ocean’s grandeur, sitting in stillness, holding your cat, singing, or dancing?

How will you spend one hour to usher in a “new era of good?” Tell me.

The playground Of Life (excerpts)

Kahlil Gibran
One hour devoted to the pursuit of Beauty
And Love is worth a full century of glory
Given by the frightened weak to the strong.

From that hour comes man’s Truth;...
In that hour the soul sees for herself
The Natural Law...
That hour was the inspiration of the Songs Of Solomon,...
That hour was the birth of the Sermon on the Mount...
That hour was the Hegira of Mohammed...
One hour devoted to mourning and lamenting the
Stolen equality of the weak is nobler than a
Century filled with greed and usurpation.

It is that hour when the heart is
Purified by the flaming sorrow, and
Illuminated by the torch of Love....
That hour is the root which must flourish.
That hour is the hour of contemplation,
The hour of meditation, the hour of
Prayer, and the hour of a new era of good.


  1. yay for an hour of contemplation / the goodness exists in it’s implicit form it just needs an expression / what i’m contemplating is that every moment and every breath can be a creative experience / who can limit it except myself


    • Yes. In each moment is the chance to create. Ours is the choice about whether to create chaos or harmony, ugliness or beauty, hatred or love. I find that in an instant, emotional habits often dictate or rule my response and I react without making a conscious choice. Bummer.


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